Surgical Excision
The Effectiveness of Surgical Excision for Skin Cancers an Other Skin Concerns
Surgical excision is a highly effective procedure designed to address various skin concerns, including skin cancer, by precisely removing the affected area along with a margin of healthy surrounding tissue. This technique is crucial for ensuring that all cancerous cells, which may have spread into nearby tissue, are completely eliminated. The removal of this margin is a critical step to prevent recurrence and achieve the best possible outcomes for patients.
Examples of Surgical Excision

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What is Surgical Excision?
The procedure, conducted under local anesthesia, entails a precise incision around the lesion to ensure complete removal with a margin of healthy tissue. Following excision, the incision is closed with stitches, and the extracted tissue is sent to a laboratory for analysis.
What are the Benefits of Surgical Excision
Offering immediate results and low recurrence rates, surgical excision addresses concerns promptly. Surgeons prioritize aesthetic outcomes by minimizing scarring, making it a reliable approach for the removal of growths with both diagnostic and therapeutic benefits.
Surgical Excision at Pinehurst Dermatology & Mohs Surgery Center
At Pinehurst Dermatology & Mohs Surgery Center in North Carolina, our expert surgeons employ advanced surgical excision techniques to treat skin concerns such as basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. By carefully excising the targeted area along with an appropriate margin of surrounding tissue, we ensure thorough and effective treatment. Our goal is to minimize the risk of cancer returning while providing patients with the highest standard of care. Additionally, we prioritize patient comfort and safety throughout the procedure, aiming for optimal healing and recovery
Surgical Excision FAQs
The excision surgery itself should not be painful, as your provider will likely numb the area with local anesthesia before the procedure. However, you may experience some swelling, soreness, or pain following the procedure. Your provider may recommend icing the area and taking pain medication to minimize any discomfort you may have.
Our dermatologists find that most excision wounds heal in about one to three weeks following the procedure. If a skin graft or flap was required to close the wound, the healing process may take up to two months to completely heal.
Yes, surgical excision often leaves a scar, which is typically the size of the incision. Before your procedure, talk to your doctor about how the scar may look and how to care for your incision after the procedure to minimize scarring.
What to Expect at Your Surgical Excision Appointment
The dermatologist will precisely remove the lesion, including a margin of healthy tissue, followed by closure with stitches. Postoperative care guidelines, including wound care and activity restrictions, will be provided, and follow-up appointments may be scheduled as needed. Throughout the appointment, the dermatologist prioritizes your comfort, information, and readiness for a successful surgical excision experience.
How to Prepare for Surgical Excision
Follow specific pre-procedure instructions from your dermatologist, which may include adjusting medications or skincare routines. Take the opportunity during the consultation to ask questions about the procedure and postoperative care.
Planning for Recovery after Surgical Excision
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